Practice Areas


Minnesota State Bar
Minnesota State Bar

We are excited to announce that John Hamer has been appointed to the Intoxalock National Attorney Advisory council. This council has been tasked with providing input on the future of ignition interlock devices. Council members have demonstrated a commitment to the success of their clients and to keeping our roads safer.

Thoughts on living in a Pandemic….
March 26, 2020

Mobile Pay Options

Part 1: Download and use Gpay, Applepay, Samsung Pay etc. This allows you to simply place your phone near a CC machine. Pay with your phone or prepay online whenever possible. Paypal and Venmo are also great ways to exchange money without touching another human being or anything they’ve touched. Go to your Apple and Google Play store to download and set up. We provide our clients with a secure payment portal at . Many other businesses allow online payments. If you’re not taking online payments currently, please contact Jason Robinson from and get set up right away!

Online Security for Remote Business During a Stayhome Order

Part 2: Wear gloves and carry your own pen with you. Don’t absent mindedly grab a pen at a register. We are asking our clients to upload and download documents through our secure portal on . Our MyCase case management software allows us to do all of work and receive payments securely and remotely.

“It’s gonna take a lot to drag me awaaaay from yoooou…”

Part 3: No idea if this supported by science, but I soap up before touching the sink handle. My hands are soaped when I touch the sink handle. Happy Bday is great, but take advantage of the great acoustics in most bathrooms. Find a chorus 20 that’s longer than 20 seconds and use your falsetto to hit the high notes. Try “Africa” by Toto, for example.

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